Saturday, March 29, 2008

In the Hot Seat Now

Spent the latter half of this week completing the final spin up for my new job. The guy I'm replacing and I held the "Passing of the Blackberry" ceremony on Thursday. Friday came and I was off to the races. I had my quarterly phase simulators on Thursday and Friday, which added to the general "busyness."
I'm scheduled to fly on Sunday. Nothing big, just a short 3 hour local sortie. The AMC evaluators are in town conducting a major inspection, so we're going to get looked at. One of the inspectors is a guy who was the only guy I failed on a checkride during my schoolhouse tour at Altus, a point he reminded me of when I first saw him (it was the only checkride he'd ever failed). We've since had a tete-a-tete about the whole thing. Nothing personal...just business.
Wife has given me marching orders to go check out a couple of potential rental houses today. I've got tickets to go see them on 11-20 April. I'm looking forward to that very much. My kids have been sharpening their PS3 skills and are selecting Rock Band songs for us to play together.

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